If you believe the statistics, then about 90% of the male population of our country have problems with the sexual side of life. And this applies not only to men in adulthood, but also to young people.
Vitamins for men to improve potency will help restore previous sexual desire, change your sex life for the better and increase the likelihood of conceiving healthy offspring.
We will talk about the possibilities of these useful substances.
Why potency arises
Several important factors affect male sexual desire. Its decrease can be explained by the following reasons:
- The presence of bad habits.
- ecology.
- Diseases of the nervous system.
- Diseases of the endocrine system.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Unhealthy diet.
- Genetic diseases.
- Certain drugs.
- Stress.
- Lack of sleep.
- Sedentary way of life.
- Being overweight.
Each of these factors can cause impotence. It is usually observed in men after 50 years. Because it is at this age that the body begins to produce less testosterone, which is a consequence of male failure.

What the body needs for male strength
To increase male libido, you need to add certain foods to your diet. It will help increase libido. Products containing vitamins to improve potency in men include the following:
- Seafood.
- nuts.
- Dried fruit.
- Honey.
- Meat.
- Rye bread.
- Pumpkin seeds.
Attention! A very effective tool for improving potency is the following recipe. Honey and ginger are taken in equal parts, after which the ingredients must be mixed. Take 1/2 teaspoon three times a day.
In addition, to increase potency in men, doctors recommend giving up alcoholic beverages, coffee, salt, various energy drinks, as well as foods high in cholesterol.
Expert Council
Taking a complex of vitamins and minerals will allow a man to increase his erection, normalize his physical condition and increase immunity. In addition, the aging process slows down.
Only a specialist will be able to choose the right vitamins that increase potency.
This vitamin complex brings variety to the sex life. In addition, after taking the drug, the man becomes, as before, confident. A nice addition to vitamin intake is the ability to improve overall physical condition.
In any case, before taking the drug, be sure to study the contents, how to take it and the presence of contraindications.
Experts advise to choose a product that contains B vitamins, zinc, selenium, iodine.Ideally, when the action of the drug extends to increase immunity and change sex life for the better.
How to maintain male strength
Despite the fact that the representative of the stronger sex has restored the previous sexual desire, an important point is its further preservation. To do this, you need to follow a few simple rules:
- Regular sex is able to maintain potency. There should be no major interruptions or excesses. It is important to choose the environment.
- A healthy lifestyle helps increase male libido. Improper nutrition, stress, sedentary lifestyle - all this adversely affects a man's intimate life.
- The man must pay attention to his health. Diseases such as hypertension or diabetes can cause impotence. And this applies not only to older people, but also to younger boys.
The choice of vitamin complex to improve a man's sex life is best done together with a specialist to avoid possible problems. The doctor will help you make a decision and give competent recommendations. Also, pay attention to your health and try not only to enjoy it, but also to deliver it to your wife. Thanks to this, the male power will be constantly with you!
Potency-boosting vitamins: indications for use
When men's health deteriorates, doctors recommend taking vitamin complexes. They increase male strength and saturate cells with the necessary components. Vitamins for men to improve potency, when used properly, show high efficiency, but they must be chosen correctly.
The reasons for the weakening of potency
Effectiveness may be impaired for the following reasons:
- strong physical activity;
- the use of antidepressants;
- endocrine pathologies leading to male hormone deficiency;
- neuroses, anxieties, fears;
- diseases of the nervous and genitourinary system;
- hereditary predisposition;
- sedentary work;
- neurological diseases;
- bad diet.
In addition to these causes, heart disease and obesity worsen men's health.

Sedentary work not only weakens the muscular frame, but also leads to problems with potency and prostate.
What vitamins and minerals affect a man's potency
To improve the erectile function of the male body, the following vitamins should be supplied:
- E - helps increase blood circulation and ensures blood flow to the genitals, restores the function of the endocrine glands and improves spermatogenesis.
- C - makes blood vessels more elastic and increases blood flow to the pelvic organs.Ascorbic acid increases the amount of testosterone and prevents the development of prostatitis, strengthens the immune system.
- D - helps to produce sex hormones and increase sexual desire.
- B - the lack of this element reduces sexual activity and worsens potency.
- A - strengthens the immune system and normalizes the reproductive system.
In addition to vitamins, trace elements strengthen male strength. The greatest benefits are potassium, magnesium and zinc, the lack of which reduces the concentration of testosterone and sexual desire, worsens potency. Selenium is needed because it improves sperm quality and improves reproductive function. This trace element is often prescribed in the treatment of infertility.

Vitamin D is involved in the synthesis of sex hormones, which in turn improves the overall well-being of men and increases potency.
When to start taking
Men aged 20-40 need vitamins A, B and E. This combination relieves nervous tension and also has a beneficial effect on men's health. After 40-50 years, vitamins A, C and E will bring benefits. They increase the defenses and strengthen the vessel walls.
Men over 50 need vitamin D. It reduces the likelihood of heart muscle pathology and cerebrovascular accidents.
Vitamins should be taken in winter and early spring, when vitamin deficiency often develops.
In addition, the reception begins in such cases:
- difficulty getting an erection;
- worsening sexual desire;
- completion of sexual intercourse with premature ejaculation.
Contraindications and side effects
Vitamins are contraindicated in the following cases:
- heart failure;
- risk of thromboembolism;
- myocardial infarction;
- allergic reactions;
- renal parenchymal disease;
- hypertension;
- stomach and duodenal ulcers;
- excessive tone of the nervous system.

Headache and drowsiness are common side effects when taking large amounts of vitamins.
Side effects may occur while taking the medicine:
- diarrhea;
- headache;
- irritability;
- excessive sweating;
- fever;
- drowsiness;
- alergy;
- impaired glycogen synthesis;
- suppression of pancreatic function;
- dizziness;
- I am hot;
- redness of the facial skin.
Vitamins in food to increase potency
Foods rich in vitamins and trace elements help increase male strength.
Sources of useful ingredients:
- zinc - stewed beans, spinach, pumpkin, chicken;
- B vitamins - green vegetables, buckwheat, bananas, dates, peas;
- vitamin C - milk, raspberries, citrus fruits, apples, blackcurrants, tomatoes;
- vitamin D - eggs, mackerel, liver, flounder, mushrooms;
- vitamin E - spinach, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers;
- selenium - Brazil nuts, mushrooms, buckwheat, coconut, garlic;
- vitamin A - watermelon, melon, green onions, cherries, grapes.
Dishes should be stewed, boiled or steamed - this way you can keep the useful components in the products. Nuts, fruits and vegetables are eaten raw.
Interaction of vitamins and other drugs
When taking vitamins and other medicines at the same time, you need to know how they interact with each other:
- laxatives disrupt the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, which increase potency;
- vitamin B1 will not be useful if taken with iron and copper;
- B vitamins are better absorbed when taken with calcium;
- tranquilizers and hypnotics suppress the effectiveness of B vitamins;
- you cannot take vitamin B2 at the same time as copper or zinc.
Once you have taken the vitamin complex, you cannot take any medication immediately, as this will impair the absorption of the medication. It is recommended to wait 3-4 hours and only then take another medicine.
Vitamins for men to improve potency: names
The vitamin and mineral composition of the food consumed by most modern men is quite scarce. Chronic stress and unfavorable environment also have a negative impact on health.
Against this background, the problem of early sexual dysfunction is becoming more pressing.
Pharmaceutical companies produce various vitamins to improve potency in men, but not all complexes really have the effect indicated in the annotations.
Vitamins and minerals that maintain potency
From a wide list of substances needed by men to maintain potency, the most important elements can be highlighted, the lack of which has a particularly negative effect on erectile function.
Zinc is at the top of the list of the most important substances for men's reproductive health. Its daily intake is 15 mg, and for vegetarians - 30 mg.

Functions of zinc in the male body:
- participates in the synthesis of testosterone molecules;
- is part of the sperm, responsible for the normal structure and motility of sperm;
- promotes the absorption of vitamins E and A;
- regulates the work of the prostate, adrenal glands, pituitary gland;
- suppresses inflammatory processes, stimulates tissue regeneration.
If the male body receives less than this element, then the consequences are expressed in the form of decreased libido, deterioration of sperm counts and the development of prostatitis.
- Selenium is actively involved in the biosynthesis of testosterone, protects sperm from the harmful effects of oxidative processes, affects the composition and fertilizing properties of semen.
- The daily intake of trace elements in the body is from 60 to 100 mcg, but selenium is contraindicated in men diagnosed with diabetes.
- Dairy products reduce the absorption of selenium, and caffeine and alcoholic beverages contribute to its intensive elimination.

The quality of the erection is largely determined by the work of the cardiovascular system. Potassium and magnesium help maintain his health by strengthening the heart muscle, regulating pressure, increasing the intensity of blood supply to the smallest capillaries.
These macronutrients are also responsible for the quality of nerve tissue conduction, increase male endurance and muscle strength. Regular and adequate intake of magnesium and potassium reduces the risk of prostate cancer. The norm for men: 2 g of potassium and 300 mg of magnesium.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C stimulates the production of nitric oxide - a gas that relaxes the walls of blood vessels, without which a confident erection is impossible. This effect is especially pronounced when taking vitamin C in combination with garlic.
Regular consumption of vitamin C increases libido by activating the production of "attachment hormone" - oxytocin, and also reduces the level of stress hormone cortisol.
Vitamin C is able to eliminate up to 58% of the damage in testosterone molecules, and also increases the level of sex hormone in Leydig cells, protecting them from oxidative processes.
Instructions for use for optimal effect:
- Buffered or liposomal forms of the vitamin should also be consumed on an empty stomach. They are highly bioavailable and do not irritate the stomach. Vitamin C improves the absorption of iron, therefore, when taken with food, it is possible for the body to accumulate dangerous amounts of ferritin;
- you need to drink the vitamin 2-3 times a day, 200-300 mg (applies only to the above forms);
- do not eat fatty foods, this can provoke an increase in the volume of nitrosamines - carcinogenic chemicals. When the vitamin is consumed on an empty stomach, they are destroyed.
The most noticeable positive effect on potency is if the man regularly engages in sports. There is a surge of energy, improving overall tone. For men who want to lose weight and work out in the gym, the added benefit of vitamin C is to speed up the process of burning fat.
B vitamins
From the list of B vitamins, folic acid (B9) is the most important for male reproductive function. Its deficiency leads to a decrease in the total number of sperm, an increase in the number of defective and inactive specimens. The risk of giving birth to a baby with Down syndrome is also increasing.

- B3 (nicotinic acid) lowers cholesterol, dilates small blood vessels and improves blood microcirculation.
- B4 (choline) stimulates the synthesis of acetylcholine, a substance responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses, including between the genital centers and the penis.
B6 (pyridoxine) provides the body with the enzyme transamiase, without which it is impossible to process proteins and absorb essential amino acids for the male body. B6 and B12 contribute to the production of serotonin, an important hormone for libido.
All B vitamins improve the nervous regulation of vascular walls, contributing to fast and high-quality blood circulation in the penis and stimulating testosterone production.
Ogoplex - a description of the drug and its action against prostatitis
Vitamin E
Vitamin E has powerful antioxidant properties and is especially useful for male athletes, as during exercise metabolic effects increase the amount of free radicals that damage cells.

Vitamin E is responsible for the elasticity of vascular walls, timely cell renewal and regulates the production of sex hormones. The most active form of the vitamin is alpha-tocopherol.
It has been shown to reduce the level of female hormones in the blood serum, suppress prolactin activity, increase the level of free testosterone and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the prostate gland.
Vitamin E also stimulates the immune system and prevents the development of infections.
The minimum daily intake of vitamin E for men is 15 mg.
Vitamins A and D.
Vitamins A (retinol acetate and palmitate) and D are actively involved in the synthesis of testosterone, increase the level of this hormone in free form, reduce estrogen activity and improve vascular elasticity.
Characteristic of vitamin D is that it is formed only under the influence of sunlight, regular exposure to which is inaccessible to many, and for some it is dangerous. However, fish oil is a complete source of this element. This is especially necessary for older men, as the body's ability to synthesize vitamin D on its own decreases with age.
Signs and consequences of overdose
An overdose of vitamins will also negatively affect the potency and general health of men, as well as their lack, therefore, before taking any complex, it is advisable to undergo a special analysis to determine the volume of stocks that are already inthe body.
Excess vitamins D, A, E are especially dangerous because they are fat-soluble and easily accumulate in the liver. Bleeding, high blood pressure, reduced efficiency and the development of renal pathology are possible.
The main signs of overdose: nausea, confusion, vomiting, weight loss, allergies, edema, urticaria.
Excessive intake of zinc (including as a result of overeating with pumpkin seeds) threatens severe diarrhea, low blood pressure, burning sensation in the esophagus, cramps in the muscles of the calf.
Men should also keep in mind that for every age there is an optimal set of vitamins for erection. For example:
- up to 40 years - A, B, E;
- after 40 - C, B9, A, E;
- after 50 - B12, A, C, E.
Vitamins should be chosen taking into account the contraindications, especially for people with chronic pathologies.
A noticeable improvement in potency when taking vitamin supplements is noted by those men who take care of their health in a complex way: give up bad habits, adjust their diet.
For some vitamins and trace elements, nicotine and alcohol act as antagonists, interfere with their absorption and turn them into toxins.
In this case, the capsules and pills will only irritate the gastrointestinal tract, to no avail, while frustrated men leave negative reviews.
Many positive characteristics are obtained from food supplements, where vitamins are combined with amino acids and extracts of aphrodisiac plants. This combination accelerates the onset of the effect and enhances it.
Timely replenishment of the deficiency of vitamins and minerals contributes to the overall strengthening of the body, stimulates sexual desire and reproductive function and provides prevention of impotence. But before taking medication, you need to make sure that there are no diseases that could also cause a decrease in libido.
Vitamins for men's health and to improve potency
In many cases, problems with conception in men can be explained by the lack of useful trace elements in the body.
It also provokes chronic fatigue, propensity to viral and infectious pathologies. To eliminate the problem, it is enough to choose vitamins for potency and health promotion.
There are many of them, so don't bother to learn more about the most popular tools.
What is needed for men's health
First you need to understand what vitamins are and why they are needed at all. This term refers to substances of organic nature that enter the body through fruits, vegetables, oils and other products.
They can be synthesized independently under the influence of certain factors. Like women, the male half of humanity needs absolutely all the vitamins.
They are involved in the formation of enzymes necessary for the normal functioning of internal organs. A number of the most important strength vitamins can be distinguished:
- L-carnitine. Lack of substance causes erectile dysfunction and also leads to deterioration of sperm quality. As a result, the reproductive system suffers and it becomes problematic to conceive a child.
- Vitamin A.Good for eyesight, skin and hair.
- GroupB.Needed for energy metabolism in the body. Among the natural substances that contain B vitamins, cereals, yeast and meat can be distinguished.
- Vitamin C and ascorbic acid. . .They affect the work of the protective function, participate in the formation of connective tissue. It is known to be found in oranges, green peas, rose hips.
- vitamin D.It is produced on its own - from cholesterol in the dermis, but this requires ultraviolet rays. It is useful because it supports the production of phosphorus and calcium.
- Vitamin E.Normalizes blood circulation, reducing the risk of blood clots. Plus, the elasticity of the skin and muscular system depends on it. Foods containing: vegetable oil, spinach, cabbage. The daily dose of vitamin E for men is 15 mg, but sometimes increases to 100-200 mg.
- Vitamin R.An antioxidant that your blood vessels need to keep them strong. It is found in colorful fruits and vegetables, green tea and wine drinks.
Common minerals include:
- magnesium;
- folic acid;
- zinc;
- selenium;
- calcium.
If at a young age it is difficult to notice the deficiency of a substance, then after 45 years a person worries about a number of symptoms. Insomnia, fatigue, hair loss, irritability and, of course, lack of sexual desire should not be missed. No need to despair, it is likely that properly selected vitamins for men will also help improve potency.
The choice of complex to increase erection
I must immediately say that not every vitamin complex for men is able to cope with all the problems at once. As a rule, their main task is to improve immune function and prevent various diseases. When choosing a drug, it is worth considering:
- diet and eating habits;
- the patient's age;
- Lifestyle;
- the presence of any diseases.
The high price and foreign production are not always decisive factors when buying a complex.
Often the kits contain 100% of the necessary substances from the daily dose. However, a person who eats properly and follows a diet does not need them. It receives all the elements of food, you can supplement only with a mineral complex.
It will not be superfluous to consult a doctor first, so that the specialist can identify abnormalities in the body and prescribe fortifying vitamins. If it is not possible to turn to him, it is worth to study the characteristics of the complex, the composition (after all, one of the components may be contraindicated), the indications for admission.
The benefits of nicotinic acid in prostatitis have been proven, so it is advisable to use the kit where available.
The importance of benefits for men when planning children
Vitamins for men when planning a pregnancy are as important as for the expectant mother. It is preferable to have it thoroughly examined to identify and eliminate any problems.
The lack of many vitamins provokes a decrease in potency, which affects the quality of ejaculate. It will increase the quality of seeds ascorbic acid, L-carnitine and folic acid.
In addition to taking complexes, it is advisable to get rid of addictions for at least a few months. It is imperative to balance your diet and recover from sexually transmitted diseases. None of the remedies will help conceive a child if a young man leads a wrong lifestyle.
Men are often prescribed vitamin complexes for impotence, but many refuse to drink them, considering them useless. In fact, the benefits are obvious: normalizing blood circulation, increasing immune strength and erectile function. It is recommended to drink vitamins for men when planning a pregnancy. It is difficult to choose spectacular, especially if you do not know the characteristics of the means.